Know Your Flood

Flooding in Madison County 2018

Sheet Flooding- Sheet flooding, which occurs when water flows across the land’s surface instead of being absorbed, is a common cause of flash floods, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) suggests that landowners and managers should consider the possibility of sheet flooding when designing or implementing land-use plans, and take steps to reduce the effects of flooding on natural resources. Both FEMA and BLM recommend staying informed about weather conditions and taking appropriate precautions to mitigate the risks of sheet flooding.

Spring Flooding- Spring flooding is a phenomenon that occurs when warmer temperatures and increased precipitation cause rivers, streams, and other bodies of water to overflow their banks. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), spring flooding can cause significant damage to property and infrastructure, and even pose a threat to human life. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recommends that landowners and managers take steps to reduce the risk of spring flooding, such as avoiding building in flood-prone areas, maintaining vegetation along stream banks, and promoting soil health to improve water absorption.

River Flooding- River flooding is a type of flooding that occurs when a river, stream or other body of water exceeds its normal boundaries and inundates adjacent land areas. It is often caused by heavy rainfall, snowmelt, or a combination of both. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), river flooding can cause extensive damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure, and can also result in the loss of life. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recommends that landowners and managers take steps to reduce the risk of river flooding, such as avoiding building in flood-prone areas, maintaining natural vegetation along riverbanks, and constructing appropriate flood protection measures.

Severe Storm Flooding- Severe storm flooding is a type of flooding that occurs as a result of intense and prolonged rainfall caused by severe weather events such as hurricanes, tropical storms, or other weather systems. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), severe storm flooding can cause significant damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure, and can also result in the loss of life. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recommends that landowners and managers take steps to reduce the risk of severe storm flooding, such as constructing appropriate drainage systems, avoiding building in flood-prone areas, and maintaining natural vegetation.


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